Get to Know The Legacy Leader
Iryonna Davis
Career Mentor & Life Coach
Iryonna Davis has a heart for working with youth and young adults to help them discover, visualize, and achieve their goals. She specializes in the areas of minority empowerment, career development, and financial literacy.
In 2017, Davis founded Meaning In Colors, a non-profit devoted to assisting young adults in breaking down barriers and obtaining resources for education, empowerment, and self-sufficiency. The organization offers a variety of services including, but not limited to, mentoring, community outreach, transitional housing, life coaching, youth development, and more.
Today, Davis has expanded her resources to offer career mentorship services to adults and adolescents by way of one-on-one and group coaching, motivational /seminar speaking, and more. She has also designed a line of products so anyone can work on furthering their potential from the comfort of their own homes. Her flagship products include the Black Excellence Workbook, Career Success Cards, and Family Financial Literacy Cards.